Tidying up the Garden

I don't usually clear my garden until April and sometimes May, I like to leave plants to protect young shoots and provide homes for bugs. But some of my beds are needing a refresh and I wanted to repin a piece of mesh to the fence so that I can tie in clematis (if it comes back) and another rambling plant I have forgotten the name of, so I've been out pulling and pruning today. I've also emptied one compost bin into the larger green one and was quite surprised how well it is actually breaking down, hopefully I'll not need to buy so much potting compost next year. Goodness only knows what state the brown bin will be in though as I've managed to fill it and we have no more collections until March. I'm also still waiting for shrubs from J. Parkers (http://www.jparkers.co.uk), strawberry plants from Ken Muir Fruit (http://www.kenmuir.co.uk) and veg from Vegetable Plants Direct (http://www.vegetableplantsdirect.co.uk), I'm not very patient and find waiting frust...