
Showing posts from November, 2015

New Shrubs have arrived ....

... and are planted. The chicken mesh is there to stop that pesky cat from using the bed as a litter tray, currently he/she is doing that on one of my top beds. The planting is symmetrical with the Gardenia in the centre, the plant list is: 2 Skimmia Japonica Rubella 2 Buddleia Miniature Collection, 1 Pink and 1 White 2 Euphorbia Bonfire 1 Gardenia Jasminoides Crown Jewel 2 Perovskia Atrip Blue Spire 20 Allium Giant Mixed 30 Tulip Single Early Mixed 30 Ground Cover Perennial Collection, which are made up of 3 each of  • Helianthemum,  • Campanula Carpatica Alba,  • Campanula Carpatica,  • Sedum Kamtschaticum,  • Thymus Serpyllum,  • Dianthus Deltoides (Maiden Pinks),  • Gypsophila Prostrata Pink,  • Sedum Spurium,  •      Cerastium (Snow in Summer) • Dwarf Asters Mixed and supplied as 6 cm module plants. Images of perennial collection can be found at:

First snow this winter

We've had a smattering of snow during the night or maybe this morning, I'm not an early weekend riser! It looks frozen though so I'm assuming through the night ;) It's also unusual to see leaves on the patio, must have been windy during the night too.

Veg plants on their way ...

Had an email to say veg are on their way tomorrow or Friday, do hope they get left in my safe place, sure it won't do them any good to sit with courier over the weekend 🤔 All planted up: I'm quite sure I haven't planted as they should be, it was very cold and wet and getting dark so just sort of bunged stuff in, I didn't want to leave the beds empty until spring.

Strawberries have taken

The mild weather means the strawberry plants are taking off really nicely.  It would be good if my veg and shrub orders arrive this week whilst the weather is still on the warmer side.  Apparently last night was the warmest November night on record, 16 degrees C. I have some rolls of grass protection mesh arriving later today so I have mowed a path down to the raised beds.  Because the garden is so long an grassed all the way down when it rains a lot it gets quite mushy and puts me off wandering down.  Hopefully the mesh works and doesn't prove a problem being mowed over in the summer.

Strawberry Plants Arrived

My strawberry plants arrived on Saturday morning and they are all planted up. I think my plan went awry as I planted in blocks of six when it should have been rows of nine, never mind it still left the same amount needing planting in another bed (photo to follow).  I have 12 Elsanta,  12 Symphony and 12 Gariguette. The Elsanta are looking good, perky green leaves