New Shrubs have arrived ....

... and are planted.

The chicken mesh is there to stop that pesky cat from using the bed as a litter tray, currently he/she is doing that on one of my top beds.

The planting is symmetrical with the Gardenia in the centre, the plant list is:

2 Skimmia Japonica Rubella
2 Buddleia Miniature Collection, 1 Pink and 1 White
2 Euphorbia Bonfire
1 Gardenia Jasminoides Crown Jewel
2 Perovskia Atrip Blue Spire
20 Allium Giant Mixed
30 Tulip Single Early Mixed
30 Ground Cover Perennial Collection, which are made up of 3 each of 
Campanula Carpatica Alba, 
Campanula Carpatica, 
Sedum Kamtschaticum, 
Thymus Serpyllum, 
Dianthus Deltoides (Maiden Pinks), 
Gypsophila Prostrata Pink, 
Sedum Spurium, 
•      Cerastium (Snow in Summer)
Dwarf Asters Mixed
and supplied as 6 cm module plants.

Images of perennial collection can be found at:
a search on the site can find all the other plants too

I am hoping everything takes off and the bedding plants don't turn out to be slug food.


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