
It's nearly a month since I last blogged but I haven't been inspired to write anything, or if I have it's been during the night and I've forgotten the topic when I've woken up in the morning.

I have started my new OU course and I know it is going to be a challenge for me because I am going to have to write essays, argue points and reference material, all new to me. Having said that, that is the whole point of doing the course, not just to learn about the environment and the changing world we live in, but to hone my communication skills. I started the course as soon as the books arrived knowing that I was going to be busy at work for the first two weeks of October; although last weekend when I could have been working on it I was sitting reading The Kite Runner. I really do need to avoid novels whilst doing OU courses, well page turning ones at least, but I suppose I do need something to chill out with. My student diary say's my first summative assignment is due in 20 days, not long really. I have just upload a dummy one and my tutor has sent it back saying it uploaded fine, again another new thing, maths assignments all went via the post.

This morning the postie brought me my Certificate in Maths, it feels more real with that fancy piece of card, to frame or not to frame? The letter also confirmed I am now approved to use designatory letters Cert Maths (Open) after my name. I think I will wait until I get my degree, even though it will be several years down the road.


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