I was tidying up folders on my pc today and came across this piece dated February 2002. It is very funny and having had my first mammogram a few months ago I can see similarities but on a whole I am wondering if technology has moved on a little bit. Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, and even if they have had them before, there is fear. But there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following practice exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test, and best of all, you can do these simple practice exercises right in your home. EXERCISE 1: Open your refrigerator door, and insert one breast between the door and the main box. Have one of your strongest friends slam the door shut as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure. Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat in case the first time wasn't effective. EXERCISE 2: Visit your garage at 3 a.m. when the tem...
M y son thinks I'm a sad person for using Twitter, hates that I pick up my phone and randomly giggle at it. I don't care what he thinks; I don't see the point of having hundreds of 'so called' friends on Facebook, people that you don't even know. My other-half hates the fact that I already know breaking news before he does. He told me something the other day and I acted like I'd only just heard it, but he crowed so much about beating Twitter that in the end I had to say, "Actually you didn't". I was happy to let him have his moment of glory but he just wouldn't let it go. I love the randomness of the conversations you get into on Twitter, usually with complete strangers. Although when you've been tweeting with someone for months are they still complete strangers? Sometimes I'll get a tweet to say, "Your quiet today, are you OK?"; and that's nice, that someone out there misses you. I follow celebs and oc...
I did it , I have been granted an Upper Second-class Honours. Never did I expect to even gain a degree when I started my Open University journey in 2007. I cannot remember now how I came to be continuing my education with the OU other than I always say mathematics came to me. I started with a 10 credit openings course and said if I got through it I would consider working towards a Certificate in Mathematics, which I did. I am not good at mathematics or any learning really, I think I have a poor working memory. I understand what people are telling me or what I am reading, but what I cannot do is park that information to recall it and use it. At school my maths teacher would sit with me and go over an example and I would be happy I understood it, he'd say "Now you do the rest", but before he got to the front of the classroom I would have forgotten how I was supposed to do the calculations. So these last 7 years beginning with an Openings then moving onto a Certificate the...
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