OU Results

I was over the moon to pass my OU maths course especially with a 72% overall mark. I now have an Open University Certificate in Mathematics and when this is conferred I will be entitled to use letters after my name, CertMaths(Open). Whether I do use them is a different matter as it feels a bit ostentatious but I have earned the right. Maths does not come easy to me and I spent a lot of hours sweating over these courses, the second course especially.
I'm looking forward to my next course, U116 Environment: journeys through a changing world, which starts at the beginning of October. The course is an introduction to environmental studies and the issues arising from environmental change. It shows how people are seeking positive solutions to environmental challenges all around the world. If this course goes well and I enjoy it I will probably explore the possibility of continuing with this theme through my degree programme.
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