I wasn't sorry to say goodbye to 2010

I’m not a very prolific blogger am I? I just realised that it is nearly five months since I wrote anything. The main reasons for this being that I was very busy at work during October, November and December, as well as trying to keep up with my Open University coursework.

I was really looking forward to my Christmas holiday and finished work on 17 December. My dad had not been well, he has a bone infection in his jaw, and because he was in a lot of pain it was decided that we wouldn’t go down for Christmas. This turned out to be a good decision as I started to feel unwell during the first week of my holiday. We also had a few domestic incidents which stressed me out. The fridge deciding to stop working would not have been an issue if we had been away for Christmas, but was a bit inconvenient with a turkey crown and other temperature sensitive foods to keep cool. The boiler breaking down would have been a complete disaster to come home to if we had been away as it leaked into my son’s bedroom onto his bed on Christmas eve.

Following that disaster it was decided that we would go down to my partner’s mum’s bungalow and have our dinner there. Unfortunately that didn’t happen either as I woke up on Christmas morning with a ‘nasty’ virus in full swing as well as laryngitis. So I spent the rest of my holiday being ill and even had to take a further week off work to recover. Seven weeks from it's start I only just feel that I have finally shifted the bug that laid me so low for so long. I’m also aware that lots of other people had a miserable Christmas because of a similar virus.

Just in case you are wondering, a wonderful man came out on Christmas day to fix our boiler, so we were not without heat for long. Despite the fact that the fridge decided it would work without food in it we ordered a new one on the internet and had it delivered whilst we were on holiday.

I hope you all had a better holiday than me and that 2011 is a good year for you.


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