2012 - Brief run down of my year

I have looked at my blog again and realise that I have been absent for far too long, more than a year for a proper blog so heres a brief run down of my year.

We had new windows and doors put in during March, the house is a lot warmer but because of that the heating doesn’t come on as much and I feel the drafts that are still lurking from somewhere.  I suppose some of it comes down from the chimney and others through the airbrick British Gas forced me to put in the dining room when we had a back boiler.

Well the year in terms of weather has been a bit grotty, that wet that I’ve not had any real inclination to do any gardening.  It’s been kept tidy and I do have a man that comes to mow once a fortnight during the growing season, well worth the £30 a month to come home and look out onto a pristine lawn.  The other thing that held me back from doing any gardening was my frozen shoulder.  It’s improving slowly but initially it was well painful, my chiropractor is a good at tweaking it for me and getting it a bit freer.

I applied for my first passport earlier in the year and Alan and I took ourselves across to Amsterdam on the ferry from Newcastle, it was our Christmas present.  We had three course meals on the way there and back, the food was excellent.  It was wet in Amsterdam but that did us a favour as it meant we used our "hop on hop off" day pass for the canal boats.  Which also meant we saw and learnt far more that if we’d tried to sightsee on foot.  We now have to decide where our next trip will be to and save up; I’ve never flown so perhaps we’ll do a quick hop somewhere like Prague or Barcelona.  Actually going across on the ferry was the first time that we had seen sun in weeks.  I couldn't believe we had to be in the middle of the North Sea at 9.30 in the evening to see such a glorious sunset.
My son finished his first year of a fine arts degree but unfortunately it didn’t go well but he was brave enough to admit defeat and is now settled as an apprentice chef.  I still need to sort his boxes out and get them up the loft, he doesn’t want to let his kitchen equipment go in case he moves into his own place again.  I’m happy for him to stay at home, he doesn’t eat much but I suppose my electric consumption will go up again.  It halved when he went away and I’m putting that down to the TV not being on 24/7 and the washer not being on 7 days a week.
The other highlight of the year was getting all poshed up to go to Ashleigh’s wedding, we’re pretty lucky that we all get on like a house on fire both at work and at play.

Finally I finished my Open University Level 2 module U216 Environment.  I got some good assignment marks but had to sit an exam in October and the problem with that was the timing.  It came slap bang in the middle of the start of term at work and my revision time was eaten into with work and being far too tired to do anything when I got home.  I took a couple of days off though and luckily one of the past papers I used to revise from actually came up on the day, was well chuffed so hopefully I have done enough to pass.  Apart from that the rest of the paper was rubbish, my last answer was supposed to be an essay but I'm afraid it didn't come out too well.  Have another four weeks to wait to hear the results, as long as I'm not borderline fail and have to wait another six weeks for the Board of Examiners to decide whether to pass me or not.


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